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Implementation of file breakpoint resume by HTML5

Author: bamboo06 on 31-01-2019, 22:10, views: 1697

1 HTML5's FILE api has a slice method that splits the BLOB object. The front end obtains the corresponding file through the FileList object, segments the large file according to the specified splitting manner, and then passes it to the back end one by one, and then the back end then splicing the files in a sequence.
Implementation of file breakpoint resume by HTML5

At present, there are two commonly used methods for resuming breakpoints. One is to upload files through the websocket interface, and the other is through ajax. Both methods have their own advantages. Although websocket sounds more high-end, it uses different ones. The other algorithms outside the protocol are basically similar, and the server needs to open the ws interface. Here, the relatively convenient ajax is used to illustrate the idea of uploading the breakpoint.

Category: Javascript / HTML5


Drag and Drop Drag and Drop for HTML5

Author: bamboo06 on 11-11-2018, 21:41, views: 2300

1 Drag & Drop is a common feature that grabs an object and drags it to another location. In HTML5, drag and drop is part of the standard, and any element can be dragged and dropped. In the past, we used the Mousedown, Mouseove, Mouseup and other events of the mouse to constantly acquire the coordinates of the mouse to modify the position of the element. Now the html5 native Drag & Drop event (DnD) is convenient and the performance is improved.

Internet Explorer 9+, Firefox, Opera 12, Chrome, and Safari 5 support drag and drop.

Category: HTML5


Talk about meta tags

Author: bamboo06 on 9-04-2017, 00:20, views: 15020

0 The Meta tag is an auxiliary tag for the HTML language head area, which is located between the head tag and the title tag in the head of the HTML document, which provides information that is not visible to the user. It can be used for browsers (how to display content or reload pages), search engines (keywords), or other web services.
I am now front-end page development often used meta tag content compiled into the mobile side of the web development meta information for the needs of access.
Talk about meta tags

Category: CSS / HTML5


HTML5 - based video player with barrage function

Author: bamboo06 on 14-12-2016, 01:23, views: 11031

24 Danmmu Player is a barrage of Html5 video player. When we watch the video, you can express their views on the video, when you click the Send button, the content will be published in the video screen in the form of paintball issue, and do rolling animation, video barrage function.
HTML5 - based video player with barrage function

Category: Javascript / HTML5 / Plugins


ECharts a real estate sales customer funnel map

Author: bamboo06 on 28-11-2016, 02:59, views: 4203

9 Funnel diagram for business processes more standardized, long cycle, links and more process analysis, through the funnel of all aspects of business data comparison, to visually identify and explain the problem. In the e-commerce website analysis, usually used for conversion rate comparison, it can show the user from entering the site to achieve the final conversion rate of purchase. In CRM, the customer sales funnel chart is used to show the customer conversion comparisons at each stage.
ECharts a real estate sales customer funnel map

This paper demonstrates the use of Echarts examples of the sale of a real estate customer funnel plot, through the funnel chart to visually demonstrate the conversion rate of each stage. For the sales process to produce four stages of customer types, such as potential customers - the intention of customers - the negotiation phase - signing. The four stages of data will be a funnel-shaped. Another simple description is that there are 100 customers to see real estate, and ultimately have 20 contract to buy, and the remaining 80 may have to look at some of it, some want to buy but for some reason to give up the purchase.

Category: Javascript / HTML5 / Plugins


ECharts, a pure Javascript charting library

Author: bamboo06 on 28-11-2016, 02:18, views: 3332

0 ECharts is a HTML5 Canvas, pure javascript-based charting library. It can run smoothly on PC and mobile devices, compatible with the current most browsers (IE8 / 9/10/11, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.), providing intuitive, vivid, interactive, highly customizable Data Visualization Chart.
ECharts, a pure Javascript charting library

ECharts provides general line charts, histograms, scatter charts, pie charts, K charts, box charts for statistics, maps for geodata visualization, thermograms, line graphs, relational data visualization Treemap, parallel coordinates for multidimensional data visualization, funnel diagrams for BI, dashboards, and mashups between graphs and graphs.

Category: Javascript / HTML5 / Plugins


Image upload and clipping applications: Croppie

Author: bamboo06 on 1-08-2016, 01:40, views: 16242

19 In a lot of applications need to upload the local images and then by size appropriate tailoring to meet the requirements of the website for the size of the picture. The most common is the user system requires users to upload and cut the picture of the application. Today I introduced to you is based on HTML5 and jQuery of the picture upload and clipping plug-in, it is called Croppie.
Image upload and clipping applications: Croppie

First, we will load the relevant JS and CSS files in head.

Category: Javascript / HTML5 / Plugins


Without Flash and relying on any JS library to copy and cut text to clipboard

Author: bamboo06 on 2-04-2016, 15:50, views: 4597

1 We place a copy button on the page, it is mainly used to facilitate the user to copy a complex text links and the like, the conventional approach is to rely on Flash through JS, even by means of a huge jQuery js library to implement text copied to the clipboard. Today, I give you about is a very modern, no flash, does not rely on any other js very small plug-in libraries, it is called clipboard.js.
Without Flash and relying on any JS library to copy and cut text to clipboard

Category: HTML5 / Plugins


iframe cross-domain communication

Author: bamboo06 on 1-01-2016, 23:52, views: 3984

5 As we all know, since the front end javascript to access cross-domain security restrictions made, javascript can only be accessed with the content of the document that contains it in the same domain. And when we encounter the actual code using iframe cross-domain access, Ajax cross-border communications and other operations, this time the problem of how to break cross-border operations, with examples of this article will tell solutions.
iframe cross-domain communication

At the same how different subdomains main domain javascript calls? This problem easy to solve, such as the existing primary domain and subdomains, there is a page in embedded iframe pointing to a certain page under, iframe page needs access helloweba. com this js the function code of the page, then the solution is: at the top of the two pages plus document.domain information.

Category: Javascript / HTML5


Pure CSS3 to achieve cool mouseover effect

Author: bamboo06 on 25-11-2015, 00:50, views: 2987

2 In this paper, without the need to introduce any javascript code that uses only pure CSS3 and HTML to realize cool mouseover effect. When the mouse hovers over the target element, it can achieve a common line change, flip, zoom, slide animation, etc. effect.
Pure CSS3 to achieve cool mouseover effect

We put a picture in .he_border1, and list caption information.

Category: CSS / HTML5

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