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Large image loading optimization solution

Author: bamboo06 on 4-12-2016, 00:35, views: 10739

11 We browse the page to load a large size picture, the picture size is relatively large, we will see the browser to load the picture from top to bottom when the picture will be displayed until the picture is complete on the page, so that the image from the blank area To fully loaded process is more unexpected, the user experience is relatively poor.
Large image loading optimization solution

We use the solution is to first load a small thumbnail, it may only 1K or so, and according to the required size of fuzzy display, wait until the large size of the picture to download a good and then complete the show large picture. This gives the user the feeling is to load the fuzzy picture, and then become clear picture, picture loading process fluently, greatly improve the user experience.

Category: Javascript / CSS / Plugins


You can enter or drop-down the selected select

Author: bamboo06 on 22-11-2016, 00:35, views: 8571

21 We know that the general select drop-down box is only selected, can not be used to enter the content. Sometimes we will encounter the drop-down box does not have to select the information item or drop-down options for a long time, we can let select into text, allowing users to enter the desired content, but also can be included in the importation of key words Also listed for quick selection.
You can enter or drop-down the selected select

Category: Javascript / CSS / Plugins


Use CSS3 to realize breadcrumb navigation and multi-step instructions

Author: bamboo06 on 22-11-2016, 00:11, views: 11809

8 Breadcrumbs are used to navigate the site where the current page is located. The breadcrumbs represent site classification or directory hierarchy relationships, and multi-step instructions are often used in some step-by-step process wizards, such as step- Goods Order Process. Today we are using CSS to make breadcrumbs and multi-step instructional applications.
Use CSS3 to realize breadcrumb navigation and multi-step instructions

Category: CSS / Plugins


Use CSS3 to realize single-page vertical fixed navigation

Author: bamboo06 on 6-10-2016, 11:56, views: 10713

19 More and more developers like to design a single page, especially a product introduction page, with each important part (node) of a page associated with a simple navigation bar. In this example, a page consists of several important nodes, the side of the page will show a number of simple vertical navigation far point, slide the dot will display the corresponding part of the node name, click on the page will scroll to the corresponding part of the node, While the navigation bar position is fixed.
Use CSS3 to realize single-page vertical fixed navigation

When the screen is small enough (such as mobile devices), will display an icon in the lower right corner of the screen, touch icon, it will expand the navigation menu, click on the menu page will scroll to the corresponding node, the effect is very cool.

Category: CSS


Making use of jQuery and CSS3 for responsive horizontal time axis

Author: bamboo06 on 13-08-2016, 02:16, views: 13085

11 We often see a lot of progress in record events to the vertical axis, and a friend asked me asked to share the level of the timeline, in fact, the difficulty level of the timeline is adaptive screen size. Well, today I'm going to share with you is a responsive support, support touch gestures sliding horizontal time axis.
Making use of jQuery and CSS3 for responsive horizontal time axis

Category: Javascript / CSS


Fixed background and scrolling page effect with CSS

Author: bamboo06 on 13-08-2016, 01:54, views: 9047

7 How to create a just simply and none requiring javascript and CSS property of background-attachment can be realized fixed page backgrounds and scrolling effect. We see that there are many project sites use parallax effect, parallax is generated by the dynamic changes and the background image and js script, but today we only need CSS.
Fixed background and scrolling page effect with CSS

HTML structure is very simple, a background image is fixed placement class .cd-fixed-bg div element for a class of .cd-scrolling-bg div element portion for scrolling. We can place multiple .cd-fixed-bg and .cd-scrolling-bg group.

Category: CSS


Making use of Animate.css for stunning CSS3 animation

Author: bamboo06 on 1-08-2016, 01:03, views: 10804

11 Animate.css is a super CSS3 animation library, it is simple to use, only needing to join class effect is related to the corresponding page elements, you can achieve the flip, slide, rotation and so on complex stunning cross browser animation effects, which makes development and creating the page animation become very simple.
Making use of Animate.css for stunning CSS3 animation

Category: Javascript / CSS


Beautiful page transition animation

Author: bamboo06 on 23-06-2016, 00:03, views: 2928

15 By clicking the menu on side of the page it is loaded along with the corresponding slide transition animations, but also with the progress bar effect. Of course, the page loaded is driven by Ajax, the entire loading process of transition is very smooth, with very good user experience.
Beautiful page transition animation

HTML structure, .cd-main body of the page contains content, .cd-side-navigation contains the side navigation bar, # cd-loading-bar is used to make a progress bar with animation.

Category: Javascript / CSS


Pure CSS3 to realize rotation effect of icon

Author: bamboo06 on 17-02-2016, 00:44, views: 15591

76 CSS3 has a transform, which can make the target object deformation, transformation, change. Applied to the need to convert the angle, changing the size and other scenes, such as icons rotate, zoom in and out the background, etc., in short, transform is deformed, change the meaning, it belongs to the advanced technology of CSS3.
Pure CSS3 to realize rotation effect of icon

Category: CSS


Pure CSS3 to achieve cool mouseover effect

Author: bamboo06 on 25-11-2015, 00:50, views: 2826

2 In this paper, without the need to introduce any javascript code that uses only pure CSS3 and HTML to realize cool mouseover effect. When the mouse hovers over the target element, it can achieve a common line change, flip, zoom, slide animation, etc. effect.
Pure CSS3 to achieve cool mouseover effect

We put a picture in .he_border1, and list caption information.

Category: CSS / HTML5