» Articles for 27.11.2018

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https is the trend of the development of the world's websites

Author: bamboo06 on 27-11-2018, 14:27, views: 1860

0 HTTPS This is a lot of websites that are used to protect user data. It is enabled when the user logs in. More often, due to trade-offs in performance overhead, basically all data is transmitted unencrypted. Multimedia files, especially streaming media, seem to have no security problems in plain text transmission. However, they actually have very serious consequences, such as being maliciously hijacked traffic, and inserting a small advertisement on the page. The visitor also thought that this was the advertisement provided by the interviewed station. If it is a normal advertisement, it can be tolerated, but pornographic gambling false medical advertisements abound. This is certainly not a good user experience.
https is the trend of the development of the world's websites

So, in our particular environment, it's okay to focus on HTTPS, not to mention deploying HTTPS for the purpose of protecting user privacy.

Category: Internet